Saturday, June 13, 2009

Current Blog Entry: San Francisco, CA
mostly cloudy, a cool 59 degrees

Tis the night before departure.
Anxiety (mostly excitement) is keeping me up. Thinking back about how everything has come together for this trip reminds me how good God is. Nonetheless the uncertainty of what lies ahead still eats away at me. Through it all, I'm learning to let go of my fears and have faith in what God will do.

VIP Treatment. You know how at airports there are drivers at baggage claim holding up signs to pick up their passengers? That will be me tomorrow as I meet my team leader for the first time.

Do I heart NY? Well, the answer to that question remains unknown. NYC is foreign to me. It's vast and busy. Secretly, I wish that I would be going on a shopping spree funded by the show "What Not to Wear" or on a foodie tour of the swankiest restaurants. However, this trip will be different. I am going for the people. The character of any city lies in its people, and look forward to meeting many new people and developing deeper relationships with them.

What exactly will I be doing? I'm scheduled to be somewhere from 9am-9pm practically every day. Talk about a full schedule. I'll be busier than my regular work schedule. I'll mostly be working at a kid's club, teaching ESL, and volunteering at a youth group. I'll fill you in on details later on. Until then...goodnight from SF!

1 comment:

  1. Yay. Keep the posts coming. My prayers are with you and I can't wait to hear about all of your adventures.
