Monday, June 29, 2009

More of NYC. I’ll be celebrating the 4th in NYC! I’ve decided to postpone my return by a week. Why? To continue ministry and the good work being done here. Read on...

Addicted to SWAD
. I’m hooked on ready-to-eat Indian food. SWAD is among the many great discoveries I’ve made in the South Asian community where I teach. I’ve stocked my pantry full of this tasty food. Garlic naan and eggplant micro-curry are among my favorites. It has become a staple to my diet along with 50 cent samosas! I’m lovin’ it!

The Veil. Sam (code name) pulled out a bible from the shelf and began to probe me, “Can I ask you some questions about this holy book? I believe it is good to know such things.” I soon found myself in a deep conversation with a devout and knowledgeable Muslim man who wanted answers to some very deep questions. We discussed much about piety and righteousness about right and wrong and about God as judge. As I was talking with him, I couldn’t ignore how incomplete his understanding of God is. I pray that his heart may be enlightened to see that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. If only he can see that JC demonstrated his passionate love on the cross for us and that grace prevails.

I believe that when immigrants such as Sam enter the US, walls come down. I'm often surprised by their receptivity (especially to me – like them also an immigrant). Being in an unfamiliar place causes them (to a certain extent) let down their guard. They are forced to depend on others to survive. Yet talking to Sam, I realized that the veil that blinds them to seeing the truth is still there.

Crazy New Yorkers. It can be very cut throat in NYC. Just take to the streets in some of the neighborhoods that I frequent and you’ll know just what I’m talking about. And of course there’s noise. People are loud, the train rumbles and shrieks, music is constantly blaring, and in the midst of that the incessant honking somehow becomes background noise. It’s no wonder that locals need an escape. For many, they hit the beach. It’s weird to see surfers with their boards on the train. Manhattan is all about the parks. People are always drawn to nature because it speaks to something greater.

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